November 24th Announcements
November 26th – Food Pantry will NOT be opened
December 1st – Special Voters Meeting for parking lot funding approval, emergency fund approval (insurance risk mitigation), and summer field worker budget addition
December 8th – Council Meeting following Children’s Christmas Program
-- Light Up Carlisle 5-7pm
In response to the parking lot vote in October which showed an overall desire to pave the parking lot pending on sufficient financial support, stewardship has conducted an informal survey of the congregation.
Based on the survey, members informally were willing to immediately donate $61,000 above and beyond their usual tithing. Also, over the length of any loan members were willing to sacrifice an additional $25,000 above and beyond their usual tithing to pay down any loan balance (based on an average estimated loan length of 6 years).
The survey also indicated that on average, members supported using approximately $75,000 of existing unrestricted cash on hand. In addition, on average, members supported a loan amount of approximately $75,000. In addition, the existing Parking Lot fund balance is $5600.
$75,000 unrestricted cash on hand+$75,000 proposed loan amount+$75,000 donations = $225,000 estimate for parking lot
A visual representation of the survey results as well as summary sheets are on display in the narthex and on our website. Please carefully review the information. A special voters meeting will be held on December 1 to decide how to proceed.
HEARTFELT THANKS to all who donated to the Holiday Food Drive. Your generous contributions will be a huge help to area families. Blessings to each of you. Waneta Johnson, CCA Representative from Holy Cross.
2025 VOLUNTEER SIGN UPS: Sign-up sheets are available in the narthex for 2025 volunteer positions, donating to the altar flower fund, and to sign up for fellowship serving in 2025. Please consider how you can joyfully help your congregation.
HANDBELLS: NO rehearsal this week.
ADVENT IS ALMOST HERE! Please stop by church at 2:00pm on December 1st to assist with setting up the barn for the Nativity display. Many hands make light work!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! There will be an Advent/Christmas program at Trinity Lutheran Church, State Center, IA on December 8th at 2:00pm featuring area musicians. Come and enjoy an afternoon filled with praises to our King!
HANDEL’S MESSIAH: The Des Moines Community Orchestra will be putting on a free concert of Handel’s Messiah and the audience gets to sing along! Sunday, Dec 8th at 2:00pm at Grace United Methodist Church. (You may even see a couple of our members in the orchestra.)
EXPERT GUESTS, EXPANSIVE TOPICS, EXTOLLING CHRIST: Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s teachings include: Progressive Christianity, Christian Identity vs. Identity Politics, The Hymn “We Praise You, O God, Our Redeemer, Creator,” The Advent Season and more.
November 26th – Food Pantry will NOT be opened
December 1st – Special Voters Meeting for parking lot funding approval, emergency fund approval (insurance risk mitigation), and summer field worker budget addition
December 8th – Council Meeting following Children’s Christmas Program
-- Light Up Carlisle 5-7pm
In response to the parking lot vote in October which showed an overall desire to pave the parking lot pending on sufficient financial support, stewardship has conducted an informal survey of the congregation.
Based on the survey, members informally were willing to immediately donate $61,000 above and beyond their usual tithing. Also, over the length of any loan members were willing to sacrifice an additional $25,000 above and beyond their usual tithing to pay down any loan balance (based on an average estimated loan length of 6 years).
The survey also indicated that on average, members supported using approximately $75,000 of existing unrestricted cash on hand. In addition, on average, members supported a loan amount of approximately $75,000. In addition, the existing Parking Lot fund balance is $5600.
$75,000 unrestricted cash on hand+$75,000 proposed loan amount+$75,000 donations = $225,000 estimate for parking lot
A visual representation of the survey results as well as summary sheets are on display in the narthex and on our website. Please carefully review the information. A special voters meeting will be held on December 1 to decide how to proceed.
HEARTFELT THANKS to all who donated to the Holiday Food Drive. Your generous contributions will be a huge help to area families. Blessings to each of you. Waneta Johnson, CCA Representative from Holy Cross.
2025 VOLUNTEER SIGN UPS: Sign-up sheets are available in the narthex for 2025 volunteer positions, donating to the altar flower fund, and to sign up for fellowship serving in 2025. Please consider how you can joyfully help your congregation.
HANDBELLS: NO rehearsal this week.
ADVENT IS ALMOST HERE! Please stop by church at 2:00pm on December 1st to assist with setting up the barn for the Nativity display. Many hands make light work!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! There will be an Advent/Christmas program at Trinity Lutheran Church, State Center, IA on December 8th at 2:00pm featuring area musicians. Come and enjoy an afternoon filled with praises to our King!
HANDEL’S MESSIAH: The Des Moines Community Orchestra will be putting on a free concert of Handel’s Messiah and the audience gets to sing along! Sunday, Dec 8th at 2:00pm at Grace United Methodist Church. (You may even see a couple of our members in the orchestra.)
EXPERT GUESTS, EXPANSIVE TOPICS, EXTOLLING CHRIST: Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s teachings include: Progressive Christianity, Christian Identity vs. Identity Politics, The Hymn “We Praise You, O God, Our Redeemer, Creator,” The Advent Season and more.
Posted in Announcements
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