May 5th Announcements
SPECIAL VOTERS’ MEETING TODAY: There will be a special voters’ meeting today before Bible study, regarding the purchase of new tables for the fellowship hall.
THANK YOU: Thanks to everyone who helped sort out and box-up the items that were donated for the Food Pantry. Many hands make light work of that awesome job. Your time was so appreciated. Blessings to all. -Waneta Johnson
CONFERENCE OPPORTUNITY: Luther Classical College’s Christian Culture Conference is available via livestream. The theme this year is Lutheranism in a Post-Christian America. The conference takes place June 4-5. Tuesday it runs from 1:15pm Mountain Time to 5pm MT. Wednesday it runs from 10am to 12pm MT with a Benefit Concert at 6:30pm MT. You can rewind each video and view them at a later time/date when it is most convenient for you. The cost for the livestream option is $25. You can sign up on their website:
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Holy Cross is hosting a Home School Conference on Saturday, May 11th from 8:30 – 3:30. Help us bless the parents attending the conference by caring for their children. Come join the fun and be a blessing to parents and children! Please contact Rita Stofer for details.
FAMILY RETREAT AT OKOBOJI: Holy Cross will be hosting a family retreat at Camp Okoboji, July 8th-11th (Mon-Thurs). The topic is “Psalms, Hymns, and Songs: Using the Hymnal for Daily Devotion.” Pastor Johnson will be our presenter. We will stay in Joppa Hall, make and eat meals together, and explore the many activities camp has to offer in between our learning and worship opportunities. See fliers for more details and how to sign up.
GARAGE SALE DONATIONS: The Ladies’ Guild is in search of donations for the garage sale we will be hosting as a fundraiser on May 31-June 1. We are looking for items like home décor, children’s toys, kitchen gadgets, and other household items. Please, no clothes. If you have a large item, please check with Kathryn Feldt or Ceci Johnson first. You may place your donations in an airtight container in the shelter or talk to Kathryn to arrange pick-up.
GARAGE SALE VOLUNTEERS: We are looking for volunteers to help sort and set up for the garage sale on May 29 & 30 or work the garage sale May 31 & June 1.
You may also sign up to bring baked goods for the bake sale that will be hosted in conjunction with the garage sale.
TEA PARTY: SAVE THE DATE! Ladies of Holy Cross: Please plan to attend our HCLG Tea Party on Saturday, May 18th, 2024, 11am-2pm. All ages are welcome and if you would like to invite another loved one, please do so. Invitations will be sent shortly and will include a RSVP. It’s a busy time of the year, but we hope you can join us to celebrate our common faith and the beauty of friendship with a cup of hot tea and wonderful food!
THANK YOU: Thanks to everyone who helped sort out and box-up the items that were donated for the Food Pantry. Many hands make light work of that awesome job. Your time was so appreciated. Blessings to all. -Waneta Johnson
CONFERENCE OPPORTUNITY: Luther Classical College’s Christian Culture Conference is available via livestream. The theme this year is Lutheranism in a Post-Christian America. The conference takes place June 4-5. Tuesday it runs from 1:15pm Mountain Time to 5pm MT. Wednesday it runs from 10am to 12pm MT with a Benefit Concert at 6:30pm MT. You can rewind each video and view them at a later time/date when it is most convenient for you. The cost for the livestream option is $25. You can sign up on their website:
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Holy Cross is hosting a Home School Conference on Saturday, May 11th from 8:30 – 3:30. Help us bless the parents attending the conference by caring for their children. Come join the fun and be a blessing to parents and children! Please contact Rita Stofer for details.
FAMILY RETREAT AT OKOBOJI: Holy Cross will be hosting a family retreat at Camp Okoboji, July 8th-11th (Mon-Thurs). The topic is “Psalms, Hymns, and Songs: Using the Hymnal for Daily Devotion.” Pastor Johnson will be our presenter. We will stay in Joppa Hall, make and eat meals together, and explore the many activities camp has to offer in between our learning and worship opportunities. See fliers for more details and how to sign up.
GARAGE SALE DONATIONS: The Ladies’ Guild is in search of donations for the garage sale we will be hosting as a fundraiser on May 31-June 1. We are looking for items like home décor, children’s toys, kitchen gadgets, and other household items. Please, no clothes. If you have a large item, please check with Kathryn Feldt or Ceci Johnson first. You may place your donations in an airtight container in the shelter or talk to Kathryn to arrange pick-up.
GARAGE SALE VOLUNTEERS: We are looking for volunteers to help sort and set up for the garage sale on May 29 & 30 or work the garage sale May 31 & June 1.
You may also sign up to bring baked goods for the bake sale that will be hosted in conjunction with the garage sale.
TEA PARTY: SAVE THE DATE! Ladies of Holy Cross: Please plan to attend our HCLG Tea Party on Saturday, May 18th, 2024, 11am-2pm. All ages are welcome and if you would like to invite another loved one, please do so. Invitations will be sent shortly and will include a RSVP. It’s a busy time of the year, but we hope you can join us to celebrate our common faith and the beauty of friendship with a cup of hot tea and wonderful food!
Posted in Announcements
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