May 9th Announcements
NEW! ANNOUNCEMENTS SHEETS: Pastor Johnson will continue to print out the Service Folders. We are working on the procedures for the time-consuming part of this which is the folding. The “Bulletin People” will now be publishing announcements which include such things as: thank you’s, graduation party invitations, requests for volunteers, youth announcements, social events, etc. The Announcements will be posted on the bulletin board in the corner of the narthex and sheets will be available for families to take home.
GRADUATION RECOGNITION: The Board of Stewardship would like to recognize our Holy Cross graduates in the announcements. Graduating from high school this year: Matthias Beattie, CJ Floyd, Emilee Hintz, Gracie Killion, and Abbi Streyffeler. In addition, Nevin Radechel is graduating from Drake Pharmacy School. Please congratulate our graduates on their achievement! Let Ceci Johnson or Elaine Urban know if we missed anyone.
GRADUATION PARTY INVITATION: Everyone is invited to help Gracie Killion celebrate her graduation on Wednesday, May 26, from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. at Terra Lake Pavillion, 600 Pioneer Pkwy, Johnston.
WEDDING RECEPTION INVITATION: Sarah Johnson will be united in marriage to Michael Scheer on May 15, in Lincoln, Nebraska. We would like to invite everyone to a reception luncheon on Sunday, May 30, at noon in the fellowship hall.
~ Pastor and Ceci
BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS: Many thanks to everyone who is working on beautification projects around the church including the tulips along the highway (donated by A&E), the landscaping around the church signs, and the raised gardens at the parsonage.
ROOFING PROJECT: Volunteers needed to assist in the shelter house and garage roofing project. We will be reaching out to those who indicated an interest in helping last fall. Many helpers will be needed. Contact Cheryl Dee for details.
YOUTH: The youth will be hosting a fundraiser for their trip to the July Higher Things Conference in Fort Collins Colorado. Watch for details. See Samantha Fett for more information.
GIVING PLUS APP: As you make your summer plans for travel and vacation, consider using the Giving Plus app to continue your regular offerings. The app is easy to use and does not cost the church or you anything to use. See John Feldt for details.
GRADUATION RECOGNITION: The Board of Stewardship would like to recognize our Holy Cross graduates in the announcements. Graduating from high school this year: Matthias Beattie, CJ Floyd, Emilee Hintz, Gracie Killion, and Abbi Streyffeler. In addition, Nevin Radechel is graduating from Drake Pharmacy School. Please congratulate our graduates on their achievement! Let Ceci Johnson or Elaine Urban know if we missed anyone.
GRADUATION PARTY INVITATION: Everyone is invited to help Gracie Killion celebrate her graduation on Wednesday, May 26, from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. at Terra Lake Pavillion, 600 Pioneer Pkwy, Johnston.
WEDDING RECEPTION INVITATION: Sarah Johnson will be united in marriage to Michael Scheer on May 15, in Lincoln, Nebraska. We would like to invite everyone to a reception luncheon on Sunday, May 30, at noon in the fellowship hall.
~ Pastor and Ceci
BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS: Many thanks to everyone who is working on beautification projects around the church including the tulips along the highway (donated by A&E), the landscaping around the church signs, and the raised gardens at the parsonage.
ROOFING PROJECT: Volunteers needed to assist in the shelter house and garage roofing project. We will be reaching out to those who indicated an interest in helping last fall. Many helpers will be needed. Contact Cheryl Dee for details.
YOUTH: The youth will be hosting a fundraiser for their trip to the July Higher Things Conference in Fort Collins Colorado. Watch for details. See Samantha Fett for more information.
GIVING PLUS APP: As you make your summer plans for travel and vacation, consider using the Giving Plus app to continue your regular offerings. The app is easy to use and does not cost the church or you anything to use. See John Feldt for details.
Posted in Announcements
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